Monday, March 17, 2014

Nokia N9 Flash Flash Files Without Flash Box

This is the easiest method i have flashed the N9, no box needed only usb cable and flasher. this is the latest firmware for N9 and contains, english, french, arabic, chinese, portuguese etc. since it is the last firmware there is no chnace of killing your phone if you dont interupt flashing.
My firmware is a 16gb firmware so if you have 32gb download firmware from navifirm+1.5

1: download winflasher here and install

2:download N9 firmware here (n9.bin)

install the flasher, copy the n9.bin to c:program files

paste in the flasher folder

disconnect phone from pc

open command promt and copy and paste this in cmd "cd c:program files
okiaflasher" without the quotes press enter

type "flasher -F n9.bin -f" press enter, you should see waiting for device

your phone should be on, connect to usb cable and select on the screen connect and sync in a few seconds flashing should start, dont touch until it says successful. once you remove from cable, phone will auto turn on, wait till is booted.

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